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15 Mar 2018

Joint press release of AEO, SISO and jwc - Shenzhen World Exhibition and Convention Center (SWECC) to open in mid of 2019

Joint press release of AEO, SISO and jwc
Shenzhen World Exhibition and Convention Center (SWECC) to open in mid of 2019
Joint Press Release has organized a visit of the construction site of SWECC along with a workshop addressing the most important topics for the future operation of the venue. Participants from major international organizers (Clarion, Comexposium, Informa, EJKrause, Fiera Milano, Tarsus, Reed, UBM) attended along with representatives of the Government of Shenzhen, the operating companies Zhaohua Int’l Exhibition Operation Co.Ltd. and SMG and representatives of the investors CMSK and OCT (see picture no. 1). jwc is advising the Government of Shenzhen and the investors on master planning, functional design and operations since 2015.

Subjects of the workshop discussions in Shenzhen included topics like project timeline, venue layout, venue characteristics, surrounding facilities and infrastructure, theme protection, pricing policies and protection of IP rights.

Organizers were impressed by progress of the project, with one participant stating: “I have never seen such a huge and well organized worksite in all my life ! For sure it will be an impressive venue when it’s finished.”

The venue will offer 400.000 sqm of first class exhibition space, divided into 18 halls of 20.000 sqm each and one hall of about 50.000 sqm(see rendering no. 1, 1a). Each hall will offer immediately adjacent conference and meeting facilities as well as a central conference center with a capacity for 7500 pax. The venue will have three main entrances (see rendering no. 2), in addition each hall will have a separate entrance facility.

The halls will be connected by a central corridor with two levels, the upper level offering fast connections throughout the venue with people movers, while the lower level connects directly into the halls (see rendering no. 3).

Currently about 30.000 people are working on the construction site. Construction of the venue will be complete in June 2019, with a soft opening taking place in the second half of that year. The venue will accept bookings from mid-2018.
Picture of the construction site (picture no.2)

Chris Skeith, Chief Executive of the AEO, said: “The ION is a strategic alliance between members of AEO & SISO who are ‘independent organisers’ operating around the world. In a short space of time, the network has gained significant interest, and we are very pleased to have held our first delegation visit less than a year since launch.”

“Network members welcomed the visit to Shenzhen, to hear and see the opportunity the new development will bring. Seeing the construction site, meeting officials, and seeking clarification on process and practice will help everyone develop and plan for the future. The group was very impressed with jwc’s contribution and that jwc had brought together senior representatives from key organizations in Shenzhen; participants very much look forward to a continued dialogue to help shape best practice at this brand new venue.”

He added: “The ION are working on a number of initiatives seeking to open up opportunities and drive standards globally. We hope this successful delegation is the first of many such beneficial visits.”

About Association of Event Organisers (AEO)
Association of Event Organisers (AEO) is the trade body representing companies, which conceive, create, develop or manage trade and consumer events. It is run by its members for the benefit of its members through an elected council of representatives, specialist working groups and a full time secretariat.

Our aim is to be the voice of the event organising industry, to serve the collective needs of event organisers and to promote the interests of our members and the industry at large. AEO membership enables organisers to work with members of its sister organisations, Association of Event Venues (AEV) and Event Supplier and Services Association (ESSA).

About Society of Independent Show Organizers (SISO)
SISO members include companies, corporations and other for-profit entities that own, produce or provide full-service management of “face to face” trade shows, consumer shows, expositions, conferences and events. SISO membership is a combination of large corporations and small entrepreneurial enterprises that do business around the world. SISO’s almost 200 member companies produce thousands of events around the  world. SISO’s Mission, is to meet the common needs of our members, by providing peer networking opportunities, education, industry information, streamlined business processes and best practices in the industry. For more information on SISO, the SISO CEO Summit, and the SISO Leadership Conference, please visit, or contact David Audrain, SISO Executive Director, at 404-334-4585 or

About jwc
jwc is the globally leading management consulting firm for the trade fair and conference business. jwc provides consulting services in the areas of Strategy and Business Development, Pricing of Trade Fair Services, Mergers and Acquisitions, Planning and Construction of Venues, as well as Business Intelligence. jwc’s clients are trade fair and congress organizers, venue owners, private equity companies, service providers, publishing companies and governments in Europe, Asia, Middle East and North America.

jwc offers a unique combination of long practical experience in the trade fair industry along with an exceptional know how in the area of strategy and marketing consulting. jwc has paved the way for new pricing methods in the trade fair and conference industry: The world’s leading organizers have adopted jwc’s methods in setting prices for trade fair or conference services, resulting in higher exhibitor and visitor satisfaction as well as increased organizer’s profitability. For more information on jwc, please visit or contact Jochen Witt, President & CEO of jwc at


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