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SISO Update


20 Nov 2020

SISO Update

Just like everything this year, we're sure your Thanksgiving plans likely look a little different. Despite that, remember how grateful we are for you, your organizations, and your support for our industry throughout the good and the challenging times. We're not quite out of the dark days just yet, but with the advancement of vaccines, we maintain more than just hope for resuming more live events with you, one day. And we know, while life is different these days, one cannot discount silver linings

Happy Thanksgiving, we are thinking of you. 

SISO Activities

Take the time to tune-in with SISO and make time to educate yourself!

NEW! SISO will be holding Small Business SIG monthly open roundtable discussions, beginning next month. All discussions will take place on Tuesdays at 11:00 am ET, except for the April session. Mark your calendar and plan to join:

  • 12/8/20
  • 1/12/21
  • 2/9/21
  • 3/9/21
  • 4/12/21 - This session will take place live and in-person at the
    SISO CEO Summit at The Ritz-Carlton Amelia Island in Florida. 
No pre-registration is required for the virtual Small Business SIG discussions. A reminder with Zoom connection details will be shared in advance of the sessions with the entire Small Business SIG community. Email with any questions. 

SISO has dozens of webinars from the past year (and many in recent months!) to keep you informed. Whether you want to work on your own professional development as a leader or listen in on a panel of industry peers - we've got it for you. Recent SISO Webinars include: 
  • Office Hours - Live with Angela Scalpello - Get all of your questions answered! (11/18) 
  • The Events Industry and Global Business Travel: Building Consumer Confidence Together. (10/29)
  • Women's SIG - Remember me? How NOT to Lose Sight of Your Career Ambitions. (10/28)
  • Small Business SIG - Restarting Events during COVID-19. (10/27)

Plus, watch BTE.Media Group's latest series episode of “In Conversation With…” with our own David Audrain. recent interview. #eventprofs 

Moving Forward Updates

Case numbers in the Americas and Europe continue to increase at alarming rates. And though we are eager to see a return to live events, we recognize that though there have been some successfully executed live events across the world that there remains a long road ahead before live events will be fully ready to come back at scale. That being said, we must also rejoice in the good news, (in light of the somber numbers) and the recent advancing work for vaccinations, testing, and more.  


A number of airlines have stepped up testing to pilot programs ensuring passenger safety and COVID-free flights. 

Everything Else: 
From bubbles to Emerald and GBAC (check out all the STAR certified venues in the U.S.!), many things continue to happen across the industry (and otherwise) that is worth making note of! 

Of course, many restrictions remain in place, both in the U.S. and around the world. Meetings Mean Business' reopening tracker breaks down maximum number of occupants, percent occupancy limit, mask requirements, and travel restrictions across the U.S. Northstar Meetings Group notes where you can hold events, state-by-state, plus reopening statuses. Meanwhile, USA Today provides COVID-19 travel restrictions by state: What you need to know before you travel.

Coalition Updates

Go LIVE Together 

With the election behind us, we are hopeful that Congress can make its last session a productive one. GLT is actively working with the COVID Relief Now Coalition to call on legislators to pass a bipartisan economic relief package. 

In addition, GLT continues to push its legislative - both on the hill and by raising awareness of business events among legislators and local officials. Legislative priorities including: PRIA, relief funding, and stimulus spending.

As President-Elect Biden assembles his transition team, GLT is preparing to share our industry's concerns and importance with him and his team. That includes highlights on  business events' important role in the economy and our ability to reopen safely.

Please continue to share stories about encouraging next steps for the events industry cities easing using hashtag, #GLTgoodNews.

Let's continue to support and promote GLT's messages. Download resource materials from the Go Live Together coalition toolkit.

COVID Relief Now Coalition

SISO and GLT are members of the COVID Relief Now Coalition. COVID Relief Now Coalition is conducting a survey to gather data that will be used to support advocacy for an economic relief package. The survey closes today, 11/20. If you haven't completed it yet, please do so yet today!

Visit the Coalition toolkit for resources to help support the Coalitions efforts with consistent messages.  

Let's Go There

We continue to support the Let's Go There campaign and ask that you continue the efforts as well. Find resources in its toolkit or provide a financial contribution. Contact to learn more.


 Visit our site for COVID-19 updates and guidance.

Additionally, Main Street Lending Program in USA has new criteria. SISO's Tax Accountants have provided this summary of the new changes to the program, including: minimum loan reduced to $100,000, transaction fees waived for loans under $250,000, and PPP Loans up to $2M can be excluded when determining loan amount.


See us online! Join your community through SISO's social channels. If you're a member, engage in our online member forum. Want to get more involved or have a question? Email

Thank you, again, to our members and all of our industry peers for your ongoing support and answer to the many calls to take action. We appreciate you and are grateful for all that you do.

Stay safe. Stay healthy. Stay strong. Stay connected.



  • “Without a doubt the most valuable three days of the year for networking, learning, and meeting colleagues.”
    Tony Calanca, Calanca & Associates LLC
  • “Two of the best acquisitions Access Intelligence had executed came directly from contacts and discussions held at the SISO CEO Summit. Beyond that important networking for transactions, I learn best practices from the best in the industry. The ROI for membership is immeasurable.”
    Don Pazour, CEO, Access Intelligence
  • “The impact of SISO is so much bigger than its size. It feels more like a global council of important tribes than a traditional trade association.”
    David Adler, CEO & Founder, Bizbash Media
  • “Our industry thrives on the personal relationships that face-to-face builds, and the CEO Summit is the ultimate place to build YOUR network!”
    Tom Mitchell, President, Messe Dusseldorf North America
  • “As busy, independent, for-profit organizer, SISO keeps our company connected to all the key players working in this industry and allows great relationships and ongoing learning of best practices from the best in the business. All invaluable assets to help move our business forward."
    Howard Hauben, CEO, H2 Events
  • “The SISO membership represents the entire for-profit tradeshow community and the annual SISO conferences are must-attend events for their educational and networking value.”
    Joel A. Davis, Founder & CEO, JD Events
  • Being a member of SISO has allowed me to navigate the dynamic landscape of our industry in the most effective way possible. Personally, it’s been a journey of continuous learning, networking, and collaboration that fosters deep relationships with industry leaders. Professionally, the insights I’ve gained, the resources I have accessed, and the collaborative initiatives and advocacy work have helped to take my organization to new heights. SISO, to me, is an indispensable asset for my career and business.
    Liz Irving, President, Clarion Events