SISO Update
As we begin to see the seasons shift once again, with the colors of fall (at least here in the U.S), we remember the strength of our industry of live events. We are resilient. Remember that! In this issue, we're happy to share several important and positive updates with you as well as additional content from SISO and ways to keep you engaged and eager to keep hustling.
SISO Activities
From small business and consumer show SIGs to virtual development series and many recent webinars, SISO has so much for you to take advantage of! Get involved with your industry peers by volunteering, or invest in your personal development as a leader. Whatever route you choose, checkout our links below on how SISO can support you this fall.
- SISO Small Business SIG - Our online roundtable discussion for the Small Business SIG is well underway. Don't miss the final three:
- 10/13 - Mergers & Acquisitions
- 10/22 - Marketing in the Era of COVID-19
- 10/27 - Restarting our Events after COVID-19
(NEW! Recently added.)
Sign up now for the last three discussions. Small business members that would like to participate should contact
- SISO Virtual Leadership Development Series - This learning and development program will focus on leading through crises. The series began on 9/30, but three sessions remain. All sessions are on Wednesdays at 11 am EST.
- Session 2: 10/7 - Individual and Organizational Decision-Making During a Crisis - to register for this session, click here.
- Session 3: 10/21 - Avoiding Burnout: How to Cultivate Personal Resilience - to register for this event, click here.
- Session 4: 10/28 - Remember me? How NOT to Lose Sight of Your Career Ambitions - to register for this event, click here.
Note: The option to participate in group study sessions will be available the week between sessions 2 and 3 and after session 4. These groups will allow participants to network and apply what they've learned.
- Session 2: 10/7 - Individual and Organizational Decision-Making During a Crisis - to register for this session, click here.
- SISO Consumer Show Organizers SIG - A steering committee for this new SIG is being formed. Email to join!
The Consumer Show Organizers SIG's mission is to provide support and resources for event producers of business to consumer, business to business to consumer, open-to-the-public, festivals, and other consumer-facing shows. The group will offer insights and a platform to traditional trade show/B2B producers on how they can introduce elements of B2C shows. Quarterly virtual meetings will be planned to share ideas and case studies and a one-hour in-person session scheduled for each SISO's annual meetings.
Committee Co-Chairs: Michelle Metter & Martha Donato
Stay tuned for a survey to collect the needs for information and programming.
- SISO Webinars - Consider these your easy access and way to catch up on important content! Stream one you may have missed today, or plan on it for next week. The series Six Dimensions of Live were created in collaboration with mdg, and are sponsored by Freeman. Some of our recently added webinars include:
- 9/24: Opportunities and Implications for Events in the
Age of COVID-19: A Weathering-the-Storm Webinar
- 9/23: Women's Leadership Forum - Part 2:
Visibility Boards and Beyond
- 9/22: Small Business SIG Human - Resources,
Dealing with COVID-19
- 9/16: Women's Leadership Forum - Part 1: Influence and Visibility
- 9/24: Opportunities and Implications for Events in the
Moving Forward Updates
We are thrilled to provide you with a growing list of positive next steps for reopening of cities and convention centers, testing for passengers of flights, launching of new events and more. While these are all great to share and read about, restrictions do remain in place across the world and across the U.S. Reminder, you can scroll Exhibitions Means Business' reopening tracker for a detailed list.
- Fern has announced its updated exhibitor-friendly cancellation with a 100% refund and no questions asked. That goes for any exhibitor order placed through Fern's OneView portal and cancellation happening prior to seven days before the show opening, again, for any reason. (10/1)
- Spargo is launching a new, live, three times per year event, Capital Craft Fairs, to connect artisans and craftspeople in a live environment. The inaugural fair kicks off October 16-18 at the Dulles Expo Center in Chantilly, VA with more than 130 already booked! (9/30)
- The Venetian's (Las Vegas) “Venetian Clean” program has been certified by Bureau Veritas, a world leader in testing, inspection and certification services. Take a peek at its Venetian Clean Expo Tour video. (9/30)
- Governor Sisolak of Nevada announced a “first step” and the lifting of restrictions for gatherings beginning October 1. Limits to remain, but again, this announcement and guidance is a step in the right direction. (9/29 & 9/30)
- Also from Nevada, MGM Resorts in Las Vegas released its plan for bringing back conventions, as part of its seven-point plan for reopening facilities to meetings and more. Read up on MGM's “convene with confidence”. (9/29)
- Tampa International Airport has announced it will offer COVID-19 testing to incoming or outgoing passengers, making it the first U.S. airport to offer testing. (9/29)
- SISO is a supporting sponsor of the The Nest Summit session Advancing Sustainability Under One Green Roof, happening this September 21-25 at the Javits Center, an official partner of Climate Week NYC.
- As Miami Dade County reopens, with reduced capacities, The Miami Beach Convention Center, too, has rolled out its MBCC Ready reopening plans. Plans feature rigorous venue health and safety measures. (9/24)
- Events Industry Council released its Workforce and Wellness Accepted Practices Guide. It is the third guide produced by EIC's APEX COVID-19 Business Recovery Task Force. EIC also launched a Career Centre on its website. (9/23)
Coalition Updates
Go LIVE TogetherCongress' attention remains turned on everything you're already aware of: the elections and the Supreme Court nomination. Despite that, Go LIVE Together continues to make progress and work behind the scenes with lobbyists to gather support on the Hill. The Coalition is also collaborating with partners to ensure proposed legislation is favorable to our industry, including:
- Cleaning Tax Credit: Providing alternative language to the HEALS Act cleaning tax credit to better align benefits with costs, rather than just based on employee count.
- Event Cancellation Insurance: Championing the inclusion of event cancellation insurance in any business interruption insurance program, such as PRIA.
Resources remain available via the Go Live Together coalition toolkit.
COVID Relief Now Coalition
The COVID Relief Now Coalition sent a letter to the Hill and the White House on September 30th to implore that a bipartisan deal on legislation is reached to prevent catastrophic economic harm, should Congress not pass additional emergency relief before adjourning for the election. This letter was signed by 225 organizations, including SISO (also including several beyond just those specific to the events industry).
Let's Go There
If you haven't already, consider joining SISO by supporting the Coalition. You can simply assist by promoting its campaign via your social network (grab resources from its toolkit) or become an official supporter with a financial contribution. To learn more, contact
For more information about the Let's Go There campaign, watch this video or contact
Masks remain available for order from SISO. Order them for your team, your event, or whatever your needs may be. Visit our site for COVID-19 updates and guidance.
Please continue to stay engaged with our community through SISO's social channels. Members, engage in our online member forum and/or consider joining one of our SIGs, noted above. Have questions? Send those to
Has your show or organization created materials or resources that would be beneficial to the SISO community? Share those on our online community!
Stay safe. Stay healthy. Stay strong. Stay connected.