Margaret Pederson
Margaret Pederson has extensive experience and expertise in exhibitions and events. She started her career at Reed Exhibition Companies where she held a variety of staff and operating roles, culminating is being a SVP for multiple business groups. She moved to Primedia as President Exhibitions where she was responsible for all aspects of the business; she was President Exhibitions for Prism and later Penton. She also served as Chairwoman of SISO and IAEE, the first person to do so at both organizations. Today she is President of Amirexx and on the Board of Directors of Viad, the parent of GES: Global Event Services. Current Board Assignments: Viad (NYSE: VVI), Chairman of Innovation and Marketing Strategy Committee, Member of Compensation and Nominating and Governance Committees, TextureMediaInc, Xamax Industries, President National Association of Corporate Directors, Connecticut Chapter and Women Corporate Directors. Former Board Assignments: Society of Independent Show Organizers (SISO): Chairman of Board, Vice Chairman, Secretary, Treasurer. IAEE: International Association of Exhibition and Events: Chairman of Board, Chairman of Governance Committee. Margaret was President of Penton Exhibitions, Primedia Exhibitions (NYSE: Primedia) and Prism Exhibitions over a period of nine years. She held operating and management roles at Reed Exhibition Groups (Reed-Elsevier). She now runs Amirexx, a group that focus on innovation, business development and strategy for middle market and private equity companies and governments.She works in early stage investing at Golden Seeds with a focus on Media and Technology and a functional expertise in marketing. Margaret has both domestic and international operating and business development experience in stand-alone as well as large multidivisional companies. Margaret has demonstrated professional experience in strategy, business development, M&A, innovation and marketing for a wide range of industry sectors. Margaret combines judgment, experience and knowledge in a collaborative manner. She holds a Bachelor of Arts from the Honors Program at University of Virginia, an MBA from Harvard Graduate School of Business and studied international law and business at The London School of Economics. She enjoys her family, adventure travel, trekking, home renovation, reading and writing.